In the News
As our Pink Power TODAY series marking Breast Cancer Awareness continues, breast cancer survivor Joan Lunden sits down with three women who made the very personal choice to forego breast reconstruction after their mastectomies.
Pine, a breast cancer survivor, wants other women to know that healing is a highly personal process and that reconstructive surgery, while right for many women, may not be right for everyone.
A series of striking images of women who have had double mastectomies has been featured in a US newspaper. Rebecca Pine was one of the women. She spoke to BBC Outside Source. Photos courtesy Miana Jun.
Westmed has added a unique workshop to its Calendar of Events. It’s a FREE five-session series of Art Therapy classes designed for women who are breast cancer survivors. All costs are covered by Westmed.
The facilitator of this support group is Rebecca Pine, an eight-year breast cancer survivor. With a focus on self-acceptance, cultivating inner awareness, and reclaiming a sense of wholeness, Rebecca helps guide participants through the process of embracing their inner scars.
I'm Taking Charge "A Young Mom's Mastectomy Without Reconstruction" Podcast
Rebecca’s strength and resilience shine through as she describes her journey. This episode is full of clear and evocative language, as she walks us through her decision-making process. As she talks, she brings the listener, no matter where they’re at in a breast cancer journey, to the reminder of self-care, self-acceptance, and the realization of beauty.
“I didn’t have a say about having cancer or losing my breasts,” Pine says, “but I could choose how I wanted to look and feel about myself going forward.”
Just Talking Podcast: A Free-flowing Conversation with Purpose
Clover Lewis Swimwear “She Inspires Me”
Rebecca is co-founder, along with Miana Jun, of The Breast and the Sea, a written and photographic project empowering breast cancer survivors. During this interview, you’ll discover the scope of this project and the powerful connection women have with the sea and its sense of wonder, growth, and healing.
M Magasin: New Breasts? You Choose
NY Times Insider
In this article, Well reporter Roni Caryn Rabin reflects on why the women whom she and photographer Béatrice de Géa featured in a recent story about “going flat” after mastectomies were surprisingly eager to reveal themselves to the world.
The day after arranging a recent photo shoot, I got one of those emails that reporters dread.
The Today Show "Mom Asks Daughter to Have Surgery"
Gail Pine was an impressive woman: she was born with spina bifida and doctors told her she wouldn't be able to walk or have children, but she did both. Later in life, she was diagnosed with breast cancer, and doctors warned that she didn't have much time left...
For women who've had mastectomies, what to do next is, increasingly, a matter of choice. And what some women are choosing to do may surprise you.
Women choose to "go flat" after cancer surgery. Women choose to 'go flat' after cancer surgery." Rebecca Pine, The Breast and the Sea. PANEL: Rep. Donna Edwards (D-MD), Ann Stone, Jennifer Higgins, Lara Brown
Rebecca Pine, 41, of Long Island, NY, who decided to go flat after her second mastectomy in 2013, launched an online project called "The Breast and the Sea: Transforming Our Scars"" with Bucks County photographer, Miana Jun. This weekend, Pine is to lead a workshop on reconstructive decisions, body image, and self acceptance at the annual meeting of Living Beyond Breast cancer, the Bala Cynwyd-based advocacy organization.
As a self-professed creative person Pine also journaled and worked with clay as her outlet. Today, she gives back to others who are now going through this journey through the project she co-founded, The Breast and The Sea. She has interviewed 75 survivors, previvors, and those living with active disease, as well as several experts in the field of breast cancer treatment and weaves them together to offer strength and courage for others on the website
All too often, we play a seemingly endless loop of negative thoughts. Critical messages aimed at ourselves.
The good news is, even when this negative inner critic is ingrained in our subconscious, we can re-train ourselves to replace these messages with more positive ones.
Be Brilliant: Enjoy the Journey Podcast “A Thriving Life After Cancer”
Gorgeous You: October’s Gorgeous Woman of the Month
“I am so grateful for Rebecca and her strength as a survivor to move beyond her own pain and reach out to others, determined to help them become comfortable with their bodies and scars, to find acceptance, to help them become part of a community and to most importantly …to HEAL.”